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It can extend up to 62 DS-K2M002X access modules, and up to 125 doors can be controlled
Downstream RS-485 redundancy wiring design to ensure communication stability
5-Channel downlink RS-485 interface supports two applications - When 4-channel RS-485 communication, the 5th RS-485 can be used as a redundant application, 4-channel RS-485 forms 2 groups of dual-bus loops with physical isolation
It is recommended that you do not have more than 16 access modules attached to each loop bus
Web configuration management
All configurations can be realized via web without software application
Supports professional access control applications such as multi-door interlocking and anti-passback
Supports backup battery access
Charging and discharging are available
Categorie : Contrôle d'accès, Contrôleurs, Modules pour centrales d'alarme, Produits